Thursdays - 6:30 AM
Visalia Country Club
625 N Ranch St.
Visalia, CA 93291
“Rotary is ordinary people doing extraordinary things.”
Getting involved with Rotary could be the most important thing you ever do. Your skills and experience are invaluable in our drive to help communities at home and around the world. Whether you become a member or volunteer your time, you will be serving to make people’s lives better.
Rotary is also the world’s premier service organization. We emphasize friendship, integrity and service to others. There are over 1.2 million members in 34,000 clubs worldwide… all dedicated to “Service Above Self.” When you join Rotary, you have access to any Rotary club in the world.
Find out more about Rotary by being a guest at one of our weekly meetings to share fellowship, build friendships and listen to influential and intriguing guest speakers.
Our Mission
The Mission of Rotary International is to provide service to others; promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Vision Statement
Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Encouraging high ethical standards and respect for all worthy vocations has been a hallmark of Rotary from its earliest days. In their business and professional lives, Rotarians abide by the “FOUR WAY TEST”.
The “Four Way Test” has been translated into more than 100 languages, asks the following questions
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Why Join?
There’s something that all Rotary club members have in common: We take action. As community volunteers, we reach out to neighbors in need. We build, support, and we save lives.
Around the world and around the corner, the 1.2 million men and women of Rotary:
Get involved in their communities
Connect with other professionals
Share their time and experience with young people
Support global causes, such as eradicating polio
Use their skills to help others
Whether you’re a veteran volunteer or new to community service, we’re looking for people like you. The rewards you will receive from belonging to Rotary are varied and vast:
Fun and friendship
Rotary was founded on fellowship, a cornerstone that continues to attract members today. Rotarians enjoy camaraderie with like-minded professionals, and club projects provide opportunities to develop enduring friendships. Club members who travel have friendly contacts in almost every city in the world.
Building Your Community
Community Service is one of the Avenues of Service which encourages Rotarians to offer service to their communities. Every Rotary Club and every Rotarian assumes a responsibility to find ways to improve the quality of life for those in their communities and to make a difference. Be it fundraising for a local charity, volunteering at an event, working with young people, or building a school in Africa, the list of opportunities is endless.
Changing lives will change your life.
Business Networking
An original goal of Rotary was to allow club members to meet periodically and enlarge their circle of business and professional acquaintances. So, if you’re looking to expand your business network or connect with our service-driven professionals in your local community then Rotary is the place for you. Rotary is a great way to strengthen one’s network of contacts and creates endless networking opportunities.